Better Jobs Ontario Information Session

Learn more about changes to the Better Jobs Ontario program and see if you are eligible.  *This event will be virtual* Register online here: Call or speak to your Employment Counsellor at 905-834-3629 ext. 227. 

Literacy and Basic Skills Information Session

Learn about our Literacy and Basic Skills Training programs available: from learning computer basics, how to use the internet, email, Android or Apple software; advance your skills in Microsoft Office programs (Word, Powerpoint, Excel); to the available options for academic upgrading to complete your GED or further your education goals.  To register call 905-834-3629 ext. […]


This is a chance for participants to learn about the following: What is Resilience? Tips on how to build resilience, self-care, support network, Case studies on resilience in the workplace.  Register today by calling 905-834-3629 ext. 227

”Digital Skills for your Job Search” Workshop

This will provide you with the tools needed to prepare your resume, learn job search fundamentals, curate your online presence, and practice for virtual interviews and job fairs. Register today by calling 905-834-3629 ext. 293 or online here:

”Digital Skills for your Job Search” Workshop

This will provide you with the tools needed to prepare your resume, learn job search fundamentals, curate your online presence, and practice for virtual interviews and job fairs. Register today by calling 905-834-3629 ext. 293 or online here:

Professionalism in the Workplace

An opportunity to learn about professionalism in the workplace will include: what professionalism is, self-representation on social media, work-appropriate clothing, cell phone usage in the workplace, the importance of being on time, being aware of the language we use, generation gaps, #MeToo, and steps moving forward.  Register today by calling 905-834-3629 ext. 227

Power of Possible

Contact your Employment Counsellor to learn more or call 905-834-3629 ext 227 to register or sign up online here:

Employability Skills for Customer Service

This will focus on teaching the skills of how to give change with confidence, communication in the workplace, attitude and appearance, and teamwork. Register today by calling 905-834-3629 ext. 273

Interview Skills

This will focus on teaching the skills and knowledge on; the purpose of an interview, identifying the different types and stages of interviews, why employers may reject applicants, things to avoid for your interview, reviewing types of interview questions, determining the hidden meaning behind interview questions, interview tips, explaining gaps in employment, identify illegal interview […]


Participants will learn about job retention, how to keep happy in your line of work, and how to keep your employers happy.  Register today by calling 905-834-3629 ext. 227